Commissioned to illustrate a family joke book to raise money for a charity, from the get go this project was something that I really wanted to sink my teeth in to! The jokes were all aimed at kids and the challenge for me was to make this joke book stand out from the many others out there and be a little bit special and hopefully appeal to some adults too. The jokes often illicit a groan rather than a smile so I wanted my illustrations to breathe some life into the jokes that we all know and love. The project also was close to my heart, raising money for a diabetes charity — JDRF, their research is committed to improving the lives of every person with T1D and to curing this disease.
The book is available to buy on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Knock-family-joke-book/dp/1731475810/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8